Content Customization iconContent Engine™

Content Customization

Build training that mirrors your production environment

Effortlessly create your own content — without any additional costs

Workloads and implementations look different across organizations. Build guided training experiences that are highly specific to your enterprise architecture.

  • Create your own exams, learning paths, quizzes, hands-on labs, and training plans from scratch
  • Clone and customize our extensive content to build training material highly relevant to your organization in a matter of minutes — it’s that easy
  • Add content to existing learning paths to precisely train your team on your actual production environment
Content Engine™ - Content Customization

Easily develop internal certifications and custom hands-on labs

Create custom content that can be packaged and deployed as internal certification programs.

  • Combine existing Cloud Academy exams and quizzes or create new ones to create your own internal assessments or certifications
  • Clone existing or build custom hands-on labs from scratch to validate skills according to your exact enterprise architecture
  • Stack existing Cloud Academy labs together to create multi-technology labs
Easily develop internal certifications and custom hands-on labs

Quickly onboard new staff members to your technology stack

Mix onboarding training with cloud curriculum to drive contextual learning and retention.

  • Enable new members to learn hands-on with zero setup time
  • Upload content specific to your organization — such as PDFs, video, and audio files
  • Customize and assign Training Plans to new team members in minutes
Quickly onboard new staff members to your technology stack

Accelerate your tech training program with Cloud Academy