Certifications iconCERTIFICATIONS

Accelerate your career with industry-leading certifications

Our certification learning paths are closely aligned to vendor certification exams, so you’ll not only ace the exam but feel confident working in a production environment.


Combine theory and hands-on practice to master the skills

Our certification learning paths contain a combination of:

Certifications - Courses icon


Video-based training to build your tech skills on industry-leading technologies

Quizzes and Exams

Quizzes and Exams

Validate what you’re learning on-the-go

Hands-on Labs

Hands-on Labs

Guided skill validation to learn in live cloud environments using step-by-step procedures

Lab Challenges

Lab Challenges

Non-guided skill validation to demonstrate problem-solving skills using our sandboxed accounts on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud


Practice Certification Exams

Proven to help you pass certification tests on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and more

Practice Certification Exams

Lab Playgrounds

Explore your own ideas in a live cloud environment — without having to install any software.

Why get certified?

Getting certified shows that you have some of the most in-demand (and profitable) skills as validated by one of the most recognizable entities in cloud computing. In the enterprise, certification demonstrates a shared understanding of a platform, a shared terminology, and a certain level of cloud expertise that can speed up time to value for cloud projects.

Why take a learning path?

Once you complete a Cloud Academy Learning Path, you will earn a certificate. Certificates are a great way to show your skills, demonstrate your knowledge, and build your credibility when you include them in your resume and LinkedIn profile. Cloud Academy uses an independent service called Accredible to verify its certificates. By independently authenticating certificates, you can prove that you really put in the work to earn your credential.

Ready to get certified?