Skills Intelligence Platform

Manage tech teams with a single source of truth.

Solving Your Tech Skills Gap

The pace of technological change means organizations, teams, and individuals can’t keep up. That leads to unnecessary spending, skills gaps, and long hiring cycles looking for the best and brightest to fill them. At least 55% of IT leaders simply listen to anecdotal feedback from team leads or have no idea where the individuals on their teams stack up. This is a clear problem, and is exactly what Cloud Academy’s Skills Intelligence Platform solves.

There’s a better way to operate, and a better way to hire.

  • Baseline
  • Develop
  • Validate
Skills intelligence


Identify and predictably narrow skills gaps

Is your company struggling to match its objectives with its technical capabilities? This is more common than you may think. But what if you no longer had to guess about the skills on your tech team? Solving this problem would put you in a spot to deliver key projects consistently, while helping your team grow predictably in their roles and narrow tech skills gaps at scale.

Cloud Academy provides managers with the insights they need to make decisions based on the desired business outcomes of today and tomorrow.

Get a clear picture of your org's tech skills
Skills intelligence - baseline


Restore the employer-employee investment

For talent (and prospective talent) like cloud and enterprise architects, engineers, and developers — people who have very specific needs in a rapidly evolving world — the world is really their oyster. They have no reason to be loyal to your organization unless you give it to them.It’s best to consider a solution that caters to (and inspires) these critical employees. One that will give them real-world, practical training that’s specific to the environments they use in your company. Cloud Academy provides the obvious benefit of training people within a mirror of your production environment, but it also lets you visualize the tech skills of your team members today. Map real-time skill growth with transparency around career advancement opportunities.

Besides our laser focus on upskilling talent for the cloud native world, our Skills Intelligence Platform engages individuals at a personal level, provides them with attainable career paths, and restores the two-way investment between employers and employees.

Start developing your tech teams for the future
Skills intelligence - develop


Know exactly who is ready, when

With Cloud Academy, managers are able to custom-build individualized learning paths using their own sandbox environment, quizzes, exams, and hands-on labs — and support the ongoing upskilling of their teams by fast-tracking industry certifications backed by real-world experience.
Organizations can lean on our out-of-the-box, always up-to-date content, too. More importantly, we give you the data to show what tailored learning means for your business: predictable upskilling, certifications, and job role training. Leverage Cloud Academy’s Skills Intelligence Platform to build the future of your organization.

Make decisions with confidence

Pre-Hire Assessments:

Hire the best fit, faster.

With all the upskilling and “closing of skills gaps” in the world, every growing company needs to hire — and turnover is inevitable. But hiring the right people is essential to your continued success.

Imagine if you could validate the skill strengths of potential hires, so you can make the best possible hiring decision and have upskilling paths set when they start. Paths that would help them onboard, learn your unique toolsets, processes, and technology, and help predictably bring their tech skills to where you need them.

Yeah, we cover that too
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