learning pathAWS Developer Services for CI/CD
9 hours
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Training content


This learning path demonstrates practical applications of AWS Developer tools and services using a blend of instructional learning and hands-on labs. At the conclusion of this learning path, you will be able to create your own CI/CD environment consisting of services such as CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline. Additionally, you'll learn how AWS's IDE service, Cloud9 can be used to maintain and edit your project's source code.

You’ll get to discover how AWS CodeStar can be used to set up and orchestrate the provisioning of each of the aforementioned services. AWS CodeStar enables you to deploy a fully automated CI/CD pipeline, taking care of performing all of the connectivity and configuration needed to wire up each of the individual services together.

Intended Audience
This learning path is suited to anyone interested in DevOps and related CI/CD practices. If you're interested in applying and configuring AWS Developer tools and services to set up your own CI/CD environment then this course if for you.

Learning Objectives
By completing this learning path you will be able to:

  • Explain Continous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Explain and apply AWS CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline services.
  • Explain and apply AWS CodeStar to automate the setup and deployment of a CI/CD environment
  • Explain and apply AWS Cloud9 to author and manage your software projects source code
  • Apply Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using AWS Developer services
  • Setup and configure a fully functional CI/CD environment using AWS CodeStar

Having an understanding of DevOps and related CI/CD practices will help with your assimilation of this content. If you are new to DevOps or CI/CD I suggest completing the "DevOps Fundamentals" Learning Path first. 

This learning path includes 2 hours of high definition video, 3 hands-on labs, and 1 assessment exam.

Source Code
The source code demonstrated within this learning path can be cloned from the following GitHub repository: 

We welcome all feedback so please direct any comments or questions on this course to us at

Your certificate for this learning path
Jeremy Cook
Content Lead Architect
Learning Paths

Jeremy is a Content Lead Architect and DevOps SME here at Cloud Academy where he specializes in developing DevOps technical training documentation.

He has a strong background in software engineering, and has been coding with various languages, frameworks, and systems for the past 25+ years. In recent times, Jeremy has been focused on DevOps, Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP), Security, Kubernetes, and Machine Learning.

Jeremy holds professional certifications for AWS, Azure, GCP, Terraform, Kubernetes (CKA, CKAD, CKS).